KeSEBAE has a broad membership that consists of consulting engineers(CE), professional engineers(PE), graduate engineers(GE) and student engineers within the profession registered with the Engineers Board of Kenya (EBK). The membership is derived from individuals and institutions with interest in agriculture, environment and biological engineering. However, the membership is diverse to enhance professional standing, professional knowledge and professional networks. KeSEBAE has the following categories of membership; Honorary, Fellow, Corporate, Member, Associate, Affiliate and students.

Advancing the theory and practice of engineering in the environment, biological based production, processing industries, biological systems, agricultural advancement and the allied sciences.
Membership Benefits
As a member, you will be able to access a broad range of services to help develop your career.
As a member you are open to opportunities to gain recognition through awards, certificates and recording of your professional development (CPD).
- Develop your career
- Mentorship programs
- Access unrivalled knowledge resources
- Awards
- Free and discounted publications and journals
Membership Levels
An Honorary Member shall be a person of acknowledged professional eminence whose accomplishments have a relevant Engineering relationship and international significance in their contribution to human well- being. The grade of honorary Member shall be reserved for non-members or non-corporate members of the Society
A fellow shall be an engineer of unusually professional distinction with outstanding and extraordinary qualifications and experience in a relevant field of engineering. All nominations for election to Fellow membership shall be referred to a Committee appointed by the Executive Committee which shall review the nominations and make recommendations to the Annual General Meeting. Final election to Fellow will be action of the Annual General Meeting with ratification by the Executive Committee.
A Member shall be a graduate of an accredited professional engineering curriculum accredited by a recognized engineering accrediting agency and in addition shall have had not less than 6 years of acceptable active practice or teaching in this profession, at least 3 of which shall have
been in a position of responsible charge of engineering work. A candidate for admission to the grade of member of the Society should list as reference two Senior Members or Members who have personal knowledge of his or her qualifications.
An Associate Member shall be a graduate of an accredited professional engineering curriculum accredited by the recognized engineering accrediting agency or if not such a graduate, an Associate Member shall have had at least 6 years of engineering experience satisfactory to the
Board of Directors.
An Affiliate need not be an engineer but must through employment, scientific attainments, or practical experience, be qualified to cooperate with agricultural engineers in the advancement of engineering knowledge and practice in a relevant area.
A Student Member shall be an undergraduate or post-graduate student registered in a professional engineering curriculum accredited by the recognized engineering accrediting agency.