
The Young Engineers Chapter of the Kenya society of Environmental, Biological and Agricultural Engineers (YEC-KeSEBAE) is a lobby platform for junior engineers. The chapter is governed by a sub-committee under KeSEBAE. KeSEBAE (formerly the Kenya Society of Agricultural Engineers) is a professional society dedicated to the advancement of science and the art of engineering in environment, food, energy and water. The Society was registered as a professional/learned and independent body in 1972 with the name Kenya Society of Agricultural Engineers. The societies name was however changed in 2017 to reflect the content and intent of the members and to keep in tune with the expanding global challenges.

“As engineers, we were going to be in a position to change the world – not just study it.”

—Henry Petroski


First step ahead

Our vision is to be the first step young KeSEBAE engineers takes to move forward and advance their profession development.


Promote Development

To promote and offer trainings, support, and linkages for professional development of our members.


achieving your goals

  • Honesty
  • Professionalism
  • Teamwork and system thinking

Helping you Grow In Your Career

Welcome To The Young Engineers Chapter

Creator: Rain Vedutti Photography 

Our Purpose

  1. Provide a forum to support junior engineers within KeSEBAE
  2. Promotes continued professional training, development and registration of junior engineers
  3. Promote cooperation and mutual assistance among its members
  4. Serve the professional interest of the general membership
  5. Act upon matters concerning the thematic Engineering Professions
  6. Link with the industry, politicians and academic associations


  1. Networking, building mutual understanding, and providing skills
  2. Lobby and create linkages with industry to give opportunities to members
  3. Advocate for rights and welfare of members
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