Invasive weeds have been a constant threat to Kenyan ecosystem endurance with ecosystem with trees being greatly affected which might cause species loss. The growth of Cuscuta japonica is spreading fast, which could be attributed to factors such as climate variability, transmission agents i.e. water, people and birds making it even hard to control. Substrate collection was done mechanically before being chopped and chemically pretreated. Elemental composition found was used in calculating theoretical methane potential found to be 577.71 mL CH4 VSadded. TS, VS, TOC obtained were 13.76% (w/w), 12.60% (w/w) and 41% DM respectively. The BMP study was done in a batch assay process with the use of bioreactors where the carbon dioxide was removed, and the final gas produced was only methane. The number of runs used in this experiment was 9 and the factors were determined by Design Expert 13 i.e. Central Composite Design (CCD). The highest specific cumulative methane yield produced was 571.00 mL CH4 g- VS added at ratios 2.5:1 with the highest biogas produced per gram of VS being 112.00 mL CH4 g- VSadded. (2:1) making it a prime substrate for biogas production, making it one of the potential candidates for Cuscuta japonica control management.
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