Significant quantities of biomass are available in Africa for conversion into domestic energy sources. However, they are underutilized due to poor physical and combustion properties. Knowledge about the effect of briquettes with three feedstocks has not been fully studied. Thus, the main objective of this study was to assess effect of three feedstocks mix on briquettes’ physical and combustion properties. The feedstocks; rice husk- maize cobs and bagasse were carbonized in a drum kiln and mixed at different ratios (1:1:1, 1:2:2, 1:3:3, 2:1:2, 2:2:3, 2:3:1, 3:1:3, 3:2:1 and 3:3:2) before densification using screw press technique. Briquettes were sampled for Laboratory testing. At the optimal ratio, 3:2:1, physical properties; moisture content and density values were 6.43% and 904 kg/m3 respectively. Results showed values of 3.63% for ash content, 18.56% for volatile matter, 77.81% for fixed carbon and 29.04 MJ/kg for calorific value. Number and type of feedstocks are thus factors influencing physical and combustion characteristics of briquettes in converting agricultural wastes to useful energy application. Findings from this study are therefore useful to briquettes users, as a source of clean energy, in making right choices on feedstocks mix ratios during densification thus realization of Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs #7).
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