This research project investigated the tensile, bending and compressive strength of a species of bamboo called Bambusa vulgaris. The density of the B. vulgaris was found to be 500kg/m3 (oven dry). The tensile strength was 94.3MPa with nodes and 117.8MPa without nodes. The compressive strength was 49.9MPa with nodes and 56.7MPa without nodes, bending strength was 107.0MPa with nodes and 137.7MPa without nodes and Modulus of Elasticity in tension was 3002.2MPa with nodes and 3594.0MPa without nodes. Modulus of Elasticity in compression was 10,405.3MPa without nodes and 7,268.1MPa with nodes. The nodes were found to have a significant effect in lowering the tensile and bending strength of bamboo. The compressive strength was not affected by the presence or absence of nodes.
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