The effect of hydro, mechanical and thermal pretreatment of chicken and goat manure on biogas production was
done using a 0.15m3 laboratory scale batch digester. The feedstocks were subjected to 6, 12 and 18 hours of
soaking, 2 mm, 3 mm and 4 mm of mechanical mincing, and 60 ̊C, 80 ̊C and 100 ̊C of heating. Pretreated feed
stocks were co-digested with untreated cow manure from an extensive dairy rearing system. Experiments were
done at 8 % substrate total solids and a constant temperature of 35°C. Averagely, mechanical pretreatment
resulted in the highest increase in mean biogas production rate with 11.11%, over the co-digestion control (0.54
m3/m3d), followed by thermal and hydro by 5.56% and1.85%. Maximal increase in production for each
pretreatment was at 6 hour soaking time (9.30%), 3 mm effective feed stock particle sizes (18.52%) and 80 ̊C of
heating (14.81%). Co-digestion increased mean biogas production rate over mono-digestion by 68.97%
(chicken), 81.84% (goat) and 8.8% (cow manure). Superior outer cell wall and cover disruption of feed stocks
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