This work evaluated the effect of drying temperature, drying time and post sprouting sampling time (as the
process variables) on flowability and thermal properties of tigernut flour. Response surface methodology
was employed in the experimental design. The flowability of the bulk solid tigernut flour was determined by
applying uniaxial compression test of granules using universal testing machine Instron 3369 and by
application of the principle prescribed by Carvarlho et al., (2011) and Schulze (2011) and. thermal
characteristics using thermal conducting probe and calibrated copper calorimeter. The result showed that the
strength of the tigernut flour at 2.01 and 3.02g/cm3 were higher than that at 1.62g/cm3 in all the studied
tigernut flour samples. The flow functions ranged from 4.01 to 4.86. tigernut flour sample from seeds to
sprouted for 36 hours dried at 50oC for 12 hours had the lowest function while tigernut flour sample from
seeds sprouted for 43.53hours, dried of 56.44oC for 12.02 hours (optimized sample) had the highest flow
function of 4.86. The friction angles which describe the flow properties of the tigernut flour ranged from
41.50o to 42.20o for internal friction angle while the wall friction angles varied between 47.80 and 48.5, the
angle of internal friction between the tigernut flour granules generally increased with an increase in bulk
density in the range of 1.62 to 3.02 g/cm3, frictional factor and half hopper angle ranged from 1.51 to 1.52
and 22.8 to 23o respectively. Angle of repose, Hausner ratio and Carr’s index ranged from 27.82 to 44.19;
1.17 to 1.34 and 15.34 to 26.13 respectively, with easy flowability flour. Thermal conductivity, specific heat
capacity and diffusivity varied between 0.054 and 0.083Wm-1K-1; 390.73 and 1069.6 Jkg-1K-1; 1.197 10-4
and 2.713 10-4m2s-1 respectively. This information could be useful in the industrial processing and
handling of tigernut flour.
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