The water quality of some water sources in Kumbo municipality of Bui division in the North West Region of Cameroon were analysed to obtain physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters suitable for drinking, domestic and agricultural needs. A total of 34 water samples were collected. Four samples from a water catchment in 2016, two in 2017, and 2 sporadic rain samples in 2017 were sampled. In 2018, six boreholes (BH), six streams (ST), eight open wells (OW), and eight rivers (RW) were sampled. Major ions, heavy metals and bacteriological content were analysed. Ca2+ was the dominant cation in order Ca> Mg >Na and K. The dominant anion HCO3- was followed by NO3-, SO42- and Cl-. Cl- had an insignificant value in the water sources. The main water facies in Kumbo were; Ca-HCO3, Ca-Mg-HCO3 and Ca-Mg-HCO3-NO3. Silicate minerals, weathered mainly by acidolysis highly controlled the concentration of major ions in the water sources. A negligible concentration for the heavy metals was recorded within the water sources. This expressed an absence of aspects and sources that could introduce heavy metals into the water source environment in Kumbo. Fe2+ that readily converted into Fe3+ and Al3+ were witnessed in the water sources. The Sodium Absorption Ratio, Total Dissolved Solids, Residual Sodium Carbonate, Magnesium Hazard, Permeability Index, Percent sodium, pH, temperature and electrical conductivity were some parameters analysed. They all fell within acceptable domains for their uses with reference to standard norms such as the World Health Organisation, Swiss, Bureau of Indian Standards, United States Salinity Laboratory, and the European Union. Total Hardness had a value that deviated greatly in all the water sources on comparison to the WHO (2004) norm. The water sources had values that expressed their suitability for irrigation. Bacteria were identified in all of water sources, and suggested their unsuitability for drinking. Drinking water, imperatively ought to be treated to eliminate possible bacteria in all the water sources. The lithology and human activity within the proximity of the water sources greatly compromised water quality. Proper management methods must be implemented to suitably and sustainably maintain and control water quality an indispensible resource.
Keywords: Water sources, water quality, Suitability, Kumbo municipality,
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