Multivariate or high-dimensional data with inherent complexity can be simplified and interpretation eased thanks to application of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), while retaining trends and patterns. The data is transformed and reduced to fewer dimensions while maintaining the intrinsic relation between the data variables. The data volume from physico- chemical analysis is high with many variables in the analysis of samples from some Boreholes (BH) in Bui division, North West Region of Cameroon. The Boreholes were BH1 (Oku subdivision), BH2 (Mbven subdivision), BH3 (Nkum subdivision), BH4 (Jakiri subdivision) and BH5 for Kumbo subdivision. The challenges presented by the complexity of variables can be mitigated via application of the PCA. The application of SPSS (Software Package for Social Sciences) converted the complex variables obtained in the physico- chemical analysis from the Boreholes at different periods and sites into a correlation matrix. Pearson’s correlation matrix was applied in this work. It reduced the data in correlation circles that were a range of geometrical projections from higher to lower dimensions. Pearson’s correlation matrix for the Boreholes had no strong correlation between the different variables that function as independent variables between each other. Most of the correlation values lie between +/- 0.29 and 0.1 which indicated a low degree or small correlation. Nonetheless, absence of correlation never existed between the correlated pairs as no value of zero was obtained. From Boreholes, 66 variables were correlated, with 31 having a positive correlation, whereas 35 were negative. Consequently, in the Boreholes 46.96 % variables had positive correlation and 50.04% with a negative correlation. The positive correlation values indicated a common source with the variables evolving similarly. A negative correlation of -
0.185897 was expressed between Ca2+ and HCO3- within the boreholes. A negative
correlation of pH with EC (-0.032559) and other anions (NO3- ; -0.137635, Cl- ; -0.091810, SO42- ; -0.111072) indicated a decrease in pH (acidification) which can be linked to an increase in the mineralization process that increase anions into the melieu. Equally, the pairs of exchangeable bases; Na+- Ca2+; (0.138758) Na+- K+, (0.412315) had positive correlations which indicated that; increasing or decreasing of the concentration of cations was probably a
combination of anthropogenic inputs and other processes governed by chemical reactions. An exception was with Na+- Mg2+ pair that gave an anomaly with a negative correlation (-
0.090762). The anomaly was ignored because the low correlation coefficient was insignificant.
Keywords: Correlation matrix, correlation circle, positive correlation, negative
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