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Efficiency differentials
Processing Techniques
Technical Efficiency


The techniques of rice processing determine output optimization and level of efficiency of processors.  This study was carried out to augment the dearth of knowledge of efficiency differentials of rice processing techniques in Nigeria. Analytical approaches include descriptive statistics and Data Envelopment Analysis-(DEA) which were used in analysing information from 410 rice processors in Nigeria. Index of processing techniques was traditional-techniques-(trad=<0.2-0.39); traditional and modern-Techniques-(trad-modern=0.40-0.79) and Purely Modern-Techniques-(purely-modern=>0.79). The results showed overall, 20.4%, 65.7% and 13.9% used Trad, Trad-modern and Purely-modern techniques of processing, respectively. Technical Efficiency (TE) was 0.4±0.3, 0.5±0.6 and 0.8±0.9 for trad, trad-modern and purely-modern techniques, respectively. Allocative Efficiency (AE) was 0.4, 0.6 and 0.9; while Economic Efficiency (EE) was 0.8, 0.3, 0.2. The TE differentials for trad-techniques relative to purely-modern and trad-modern techniques were 0.45 and 0.11, respectively. The AE differentials for trad-techniques relative to purely-modern techniques and trad-modern techniques was 0.01, while EE differentials for trad-techniques relative to the other two techniques was 0.6. The study shows rice processing in Nigeria exhibits a range of outcomes based on techniques used. While traditional methods persist due to their low cost, larger processors are increasingly adopting trad-modern and purely-modern techniques to improve efficiency and product quality. Addressing the efficiency differentials in rice processing requires a comprehensive approach, including investments in technology, infrastructure, and skill development to foster food security in Nigeria. These findings therefore challenge the notion that traditional-modern and purely modern techniques are less technically efficient than traditional techniques in rice processing.

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