Evaporative cooling systems have many advantages over refrigeration systems, such as not necessarily requiring connection to the national grid, not using refrigerants that emit ozone-depleting substances into the environment, and can be constructed from locally available materials. However, little information on incorporating desiccant as an air preconditioning component to increase the performance of these coolers is available. In this regard, this study aimed to examine the efficacy of three cooling systems: an evaporative cooler with a silica gel desiccant component (desiccant cooler), an evaporative cooler without desiccant (desiccant-free cooler), and an evaporative charcoal cooler (charcoal cooler). Dry and wet bulb temperatures and relative humidity were recorded during the experiment and used to determine the cooling efficiencies of the systems; temperature drops; and humidity increases, which are used as performance indicators. Results demonstrate a significant (P<0.05) impact of the coolers on all analysed parameters. The desiccant cooler achieved the highest cooling efficiency at 87.2%, followed by the charcoal cooler at 79.3%, and the desiccant-free cooler at 67.2%. Temperature reduction was most pronounced in the desiccant cooler (3.7°C), followed by the charcoal cooler (3.2°C) and the desiccant-free cooler (2.8°C). Relative humidity levels increased by 30.7%, 23%, and 26.1% in the desiccant, desiccant-free, and charcoal coolers, respectively. Importantly, the evaporative cooler with desiccant operated without ozone-depleting refrigerants and utilized solar energy, offering an environmentally friendly solution. Its capacity to provide appropriate storage conditions for a wide range of fruits and vegetables makes it particularly beneficial for farmers lacking access to adequate cooling storage facilities, enabling them to preserve their produce effectively.
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