The growth in agriculture production is possible with wastewater utilization using the advanced technology of
Drip Irrigation System (DIS). Drip irrigation is negatively affected by emitter clogging which entails reduced
emitter discharge and irrigation system efficiency. The role of acid and chlorine contact time in emitter
recovery with treated effluent is crucial. A combination of phosphoric acid (30,20 and 10 minutes) and sodium
hypochlorite contact times (30,25 and 20 minutes) was used to study the recovery of in-line labyrinth drippers
clogged with Treated Effluent (TE). A 1.2 ml/L of phosphoric acid and 20 mg/l of sodium hypochlorite was
injected singly using a venturi dosing system. Nine (9) laterals with clogged emitters were implemented for
treatment and the recovery discharge rates were measured for 5 minutes and characterized. Physicochemical
and biological water analyses were carried out to determine parameters triggering clogging and the effect on
recovery. The results showed that the chemical treatments had a significant effect on clog removal and
recovered the discharge rates by 99.89 % of the initial flow at acid and chlorine contact times of 30 minutes
each. This also had a relatively major effect alleviating emitter clogging from a discharge ratio variation
(Dra) value of 33.50% to 123.23%. The recovery Dra values in each contact time with the chemicals were
deemed effective (Dra≥ 75%). This was an indication that clogging in this study was mainly due to the
chemical precipitation of Fe, Ca 2+ and pH of the wastewater. The acid dissolved the mineral precipitates and
chlorine disintegrated the organic matter built-ups. ANOVA tests for the acid and the chlorine contact time
indicated that there were no statistically significant differences at p<=0.05 on the effect of the average flow.
This could be indicative of the sole effect of the phosphoric acid and sodium hypochlorite on the different clog
type target. The chemical treatments recovery on CV, Uc and Dra could address the constraints in DIS and
provide sustainable practice guidelines for the reduction of clogging, more beneficial because it can improve
the system’s irrigation efficiency with the utilization of TE
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