The study investigated effect of peroxide-oxidation-treated wastewater from the hitherto environmentally problematic cassava processing industry on the growth parameters of Celosia argentea. Peroxide-aeration treated cassava processing wastewater was mixed with groundwater at 25, 50, 75 and 100% concentration. Prepared solutions were applied on Celosia to determine its effect on growth and nutritive quality. The treatment was observed to have stimulated plant growth parameters by 18.28±0.03 cm, 3.85±0.02 mm, 23.80±0.11 and 35.70±0.03 mm2 for plant height, stem girth, number of leaves, and leaf area, respectively at 25% treatment concentration after 62 days from planting. Improvement in macro nutrients such as iron (0.95%), calcium (0.52%), potassium (0.03%) and micro nutrients like manganese (9.34%) and copper (1.07%), with no bioaccumulation of heavy metals were recorded. Conclusively, peroxide-aeration treated cassava processing wastewater offers sustainable, eco-friendly water source for irrigation purposes, as well as fertigation potential for cultivation of Celosia argentea.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Omotosho O. A., Osunbitan J. A., Ogunwande G. A., Oyewusi T. F., Odunjo T. E, Ademiju T. A