jeae journal

Journal of Engineering in Agriculture and the Environment

Current Issue

Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024)
Published July 16, 2024

The Journal of Engineering in Agriculture and the Environment,JEAE, is published by the Kenya Society of Environmental, Biological and Agricultural Engineers, KeSEBAE, as an international forum for the publication of basic and applied research in engineering for the environment, agriculture and biology-based production and processing industries.


Call For Papers

The JEAE Editorial Board wishes to invite interested researchers with complete work
in any relevant topic, to submit their papers for publication in the next editions of the


August 31, 2022
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About JEAE

The Journal of  Engineering in Agricultural and the Environment develops, and explains engineering design and technology knowledge, informs practitioners and researchers of current issues and best practices, and is between ideas, knowledge, technology researchers and practitioners.

JEAE is hosted and managed by the Kenya Society of Environmental, Biological and Agricultural Engineers (KeSEBAE) (formerly the Kenya Society of Agricultural Engineers). KeSEBAE is a professional society dedicated to the advancement of science and the art of engineering in the environment, food, energy and water.

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